
Pomegranite Juice for Fertility?

I've read all over the place that Pom Juice is great for building up your lining, and I'm all for that. When  you are taking so many drugs, it's nice to hear about a "natural" cure, if you will. So I've been drinking roughly 8 oz. a day. I've also read that it is great for your general health... helps prevent cancer and heart disease!

I like POM Wonderful juice from Costco. The price at Costco is much much better then at other stores.  Here are just a few fun facts from antioxidants-guide.com.  I highlighted the most important one in red :)

In fact pomegranate antioxidant levels are three times the amount of green tea or red wine. 

Among the many many benefits of this wonder fruit are...

  • Helps Lower Blood Pressure
  • Has Anti-aging capabilities
  • Promotes good cardiovascular health
  • Helps with a healthy pregnancy
  • Keeps cholestrol levels healthy
  • Lowers blood sugars
  • Fights Inflammation
  • Reduces cell damage

It is believed through recent study that pomegranate juice may 
help keep fatty deposits from collecting on artery walls. In one study, mice who were given pomegranate juice were able to reduce this build up by over 30%. 

However these results do not directly translate to humans but it does show that 
pomegranate juice antioxidant may be a very valuable tool for preventing hardening of the arteries and such related diseases such as heart attacks and strokes. 

Pomegranate juice is high in fiber and has 
substantial amounts of potassium which is important in sending nerve impulses as well as releasing energy from protein, fat, and carbohydrates during metabolism.

It contains 
vitamin C and niacin too. 

If you have 
anemia then take notice as pomegranates are thought to contain very high levels of iron. 

Pregnant women take note too. The womb lining (endometrium) where the actual implant of fertilised eggs takes place almost entirely consists of blood and pomegranates contain high levels of cobalt which is an essential raw material for the synthesis of blood. Cobalt also contributes to the colour of the fruit too. 

Phytochemicals in Pomegranate juice help prevent heart disease and cancer. 

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