New Fertility Bracelet at The Fertile Garden!
Featured is the Hope - Fertility Enhancing Bracelet with green aventurine, labradorite and turtle charm.
Pomegranite Juice for Fertility?
Among the many many benefits of this wonder fruit are...
- Helps Lower Blood Pressure
- Has Anti-aging capabilities
- Promotes good cardiovascular health
- Helps with a healthy pregnancy
- Keeps cholestrol levels healthy
- Lowers blood sugars
- Fights Inflammation
- Reduces cell damage
It is believed through recent study that pomegranate juice may help keep fatty deposits from collecting on artery walls. In one study, mice who were given pomegranate juice were able to reduce this build up by over 30%.
However these results do not directly translate to humans but it does show that pomegranate juice antioxidant may be a very valuable tool for preventing hardening of the arteries and such related diseases such as heart attacks and strokes.
Pomegranate juice is high in fiber and has substantial amounts of potassium which is important in sending nerve impulses as well as releasing energy from protein, fat, and carbohydrates during metabolism.
It contains vitamin C and niacin too.
If you have anemia then take notice as pomegranates are thought to contain very high levels of iron.
Pregnant women take note too. The womb lining (endometrium) where the actual implant of fertilised eggs takes place almost entirely consists of blood and pomegranates contain high levels of cobalt which is an essential raw material for the synthesis of blood. Cobalt also contributes to the colour of the fruit too.
Phytochemicals in Pomegranate juice help prevent heart disease and cancer.
What happens in a 5dt:
0dpt... Embryo is now a blastocyst
1dpt....Blastocyst hatches out of shell on this day
2dpt.. Blastocyst attaches to a site on the uterine lining
3dpt.. Implantation begins,as the blastocyst begins to bury in the lining
4dpt.. Implantation process continues and morula buries deeper in the lining
5dpt.. Morula is completely inmplanted in the lining and has placenta cells &
fetal cells
6dpt...Placenta cells begin to secret HCG in the blood
7dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
8dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
9dpt...HCG levels are now high enough to be immediately detected on
Tips to De-Stress for IVF Success
Research has proven that stress plays a critical role in the success of any fertility treatment, especially IVF. But how can you relax when all you can think about is whether or not you’ll be able to conceive?
If you’re having difficulty calming your mind and your body, try these tips to de-stress before and during your IVF treatments:
- Lay off (or significantly reduce) your intake of caffeine. It might “wake you up”, but it can also make you agitated.
- Get a good night’s sleep. Rest is one of the most beneficial “gifts” you can give yourself.
- Take up a relaxing hobby. Some individuals like to scrapbook, others like to knit. Some cook, some read, some write… the list goes on and on. Do whatever calms you and allows you to focus your energies in a positive direction.
- Learn to meditate. You don’t have to be spiritually-inclined to embrace the powers of meditation.
- Try yoga pre-IVF. Yoga, when performed correctly, can prep your body, heart and soul.
- Eat healthfully. If you’re investing in IVF, yo u must invest in your nutrition, too.
- Stay away from toxic people. Though this can be easier said than done, whenever you have the choice, choose to avoid persons who want to bring you down.
Things know one ever tells you about fertility treatments...
- How Mother's Day could make you so sad.
- That at a certain point, you are going in for ultrasound and bloodwork everyday. You might run out of veins. First one arm goes, then the next....next thing you know, you are getting blood drawn out of a vein in your hand. ouch.
- Bring a book to every appointment, you never know how long you might have to wait.
- How tired the meds make you...but the shots themselves, were not as bad as I had anticipated. That first shot is the worst, once you get past that one, you just knock them out, like a women on a mission. Menopur burns though. And use ice before Ganirelix.
- How hard it is to be positive and have hope.
- How gross progesterone suppositories are....ew. They also might make you gassy.
- How awesome, but expensive acupuncture is.
- Some of your friends or family might never even ask you how its going. Maybe they dont care, maybe they dont want to bring it up becuase you might be upset...but it still hurts.
- How much you can dread your birthday. (signifies getting older)
- That you will be so bloated when you are stimming, you will want to wear stretchy pants everyday.
- The Follistim pen is a wonderful invention. Make sure you keep track in the Follistim book of your dates/doses. You might forget how much is left in there.
- Make sure you get at least 2 days bedrest after transfer. You deserve the relaxation! Get some good movies and your favorite chocolate candy and chill out. Let someone else scoop the litter box.
- After the retrieval, you might get constipated. Have some prunes or a Fiber One.
- Keep your eye on the prize everyone!
New Fertility Jewelry coming soon!
Mothers Day and Infertility
Mother's Day During Your Infertility Journey
by Phyllis Martin, LPC
Mother's Day and the days leading up to the holiday tend to be quite a difficult time for women and couples during their infertility journey. Many holidays are hard when coping with infertility, but Mother’s Day can be especially trying when you are working so hard to become a parent. Complex emotions may surface as you see the celebration of motherhood unfold before you. It feels as if the celebration excludes you because you are not yet a mom, yet it feels unfair because you are working so hard to become one. I have always thought that even if you haven’t met your family building goals, your survival thus far, your effort, your hard work, and the challenges that you have overcome should be rewarded as well. The status of motherhood should not be the only measure, the pursuit of motherhood should be acknowledged as well.
Women often say that for years they thought of Mother’s Day as a day to celebrate their own mother's contribution. Once the pursuit of motherhood begins; however, women may gain a new perspective on the holiday and begin to think of themselves and their future as a mother. For a woman trying to become a mother, the Mother's Day holiday may morph into a very tangible reminder of what they feel they are missing and exacerbate their fears surrounding infertility.
For many coping with infertility, Mother’s Day is like pouring salt into a wound. Infertility often causes feelings of isolation, and the approach of Mother’s Day may emphasize feelings of envy of other women who are mothers. It can seem like everyone else reaches motherhood so naturally and easily. They already have the prized position of motherhood, and they still get to celebrate it out loud (with lots of Hallmark ads for weeks before and 1/2 off sales afterwards)! Yet women facing infertility receive no recognition for all the hard work just to become pregnant and stay pregnant. No pat on the back of congratulations for all that work, stress, and anxiety. Unfortunately, the day can be a bitter reminder for those who have worked so very hard but have not yet seen their hard work manifest itself into motherhood.
So as we approach Mother's Day (and the days that follow), prepare for it by educating yourself and taking proactive steps to protect your peace of mind:
- Realize that grief may flair at various times.
- Understand that grief can feel or look like: feeling “out of sorts,” irritability, difficulty focusing, crying, loss of motivation, sleep disturbances, appetite changes, or the inability to enjoy things.
- Remember that you are not alone and you are not going crazy if you feel sorry for yourself, envious of others, or even angry.
- If you plan to attend a religious service, speak to your minister or rabbi ahead of time to ask that he/she acknowledge all those who are TRYING to become mothers, not just those who are mothers.
- Plan extreme self care for yourself that day, or after any event you may be obligated to attend, so that you have something to look forward to for yourself.
- If you are spending the day with family and they know of your infertility challenges, enlist their support.
- Know that you can feel happy for family and friends, grateful for your own mother, and still sad for you. It does not make you selfish or a bad person.
- Be proud of yourself for your effort and fortitude.
- Make a concrete plan to do something that recognizes all of your hard work and effort such as a weekend getaway, massage, spa treatment, a funny movie, a picnic, or outdoor activity. The sky is the limit and living in the Washington, DC area, there are dozens of free and fun things to do.
Lastly, for spouses concerned about how to handle this day, plan something for your wife that recognizes both the sadness of not being a mother yet, but more importantly the strength, effort, and survival skills she has utilized to get this far in your journey. You may not be where you want to be yet, but your effort is commendable.
Happy Mother’s Day to all Mothers and Mothers-To-Be!
IVF and Herbs
Here is a great website that is very informative on the safety of herbs and infertility:
A great quote....
-Henri Nouwen
Can Acupuncture Help You Conceive?
Blog Feature!
TTC? Try The Fertility Diet!
NEW YORK (Reuters Life!) - Women trying to get pregnant could boost their chances by adopting a "fertility diet" high in nuts and avocados while cutting down on coffee and alcohol, according to U.S researchers.
Boston-based researchers found the majority of cases of infertility due to ovulation disorders in otherwise healthy women could be prevented through diet and lifestyle changes.
"The dietary and lifestyle choices women make as they try to get pregnant can impact profoundly their fertility," Dr. Jorge E. Chavarro of Harvard School of Public Health, who worked on the study, told Reuters Health.
The fertility diet is characterized by higher consumption of monounsaturated fat rather than trans fats which is found in natural foods like nuts and avocados, and olive oil.
Women should also opt for vegetable protein rather than animal protein, low-glycemic carbohydrates like whole grains, moderate consumption of high-fat dairy, multivitamins, and iron from plants and supplements, Chavarro's team reports.
Other changes women can make to their lifestyle promote fertility include cutting back on coffee and alcohol, increased physically activity, and staying away from cigarettes.
The research was based on 8 years of Chavarro and colleagues tracking the diet and lifestyle patterns of 17,544 women as they tried to get pregnant or became pregnant. None of them had a history of infertility.
According to the team, greater adherence to the fertility diet pattern was associated with a lower risk of infertility due to ovulation disturbances and, to a lesser extent, of infertility due to other causes.
Women with the highest fertility diet score, compared with those with the lowest, had a 66-percent lower risk of infertility due to ovulation problems and a 27-percent lower risk of infertility due to other causes, Chavarro and colleagues report in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology.
The combination of five or more low-risk lifestyle factors, including weight control, physical activity and diet, was associated with a 69-percent lower risk of ovulation-related infertility.
The researchers also found, consistent with earlier reports, that increased body weight raises the risk of infertility due to ovulation disorders.
"Women trying to become pregnant could consider following these lifestyle practices because they are consistent with an overall healthy lifestyle and may also help them become pregnant," the researchers said.