
Vitamins and nutrients as a way to increase your fertility.

Vitamin B6 is widely known to lengthen the luteal phase.

Zinc can help improve sperm quality.

Vitamin C can also aid to improve sperm motility and quality.

A couple of studies suggest that when some men drink coffee before sex, their sperm becomes more energetic.

Some studies indicate that women with low iron reserves are less likely to conceive.

Wheat grass can help egg quality.

The omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, and herring have some big, fat fertility-boosting benefits.

Full fat dairy is rich in calcium, a nutrient that’s essential not just for bone health but also for reproductive health.m One serving a day.

Baby aspirin once a day can help increase blood flow to the uterus.

Pair there with your fertility bracelet from The Fertile Garden!

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